coefficient of restitution

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coefficient of restitution”的查询结果
编号 词典 详情
4240312 coefficient of restitution 力学英汉词典 详情>>
4312805 coefficient of restitution 原子能英汉词典 详情>>
4353496 coefficient of restitution 地质英汉词典 详情>>
4500995 coefficient of restitution 机械英汉词典 详情>>
4521195 coefficient of restitution 英汉机械工程大词典 详情>>
4763131 coefficient of restitution 海运英汉词典 详情>>
4946694 coefficient of restitution 英汉物理大词典 详情>>
4958439 coefficient of restitution 物理学英汉词典 详情>>
5492644 coefficient of restitution 纺织英汉词典 详情>>
5775717 coefficient of restitution 航海英汉词典 详情>>