stop to

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stop to”的查询结果
编号 词典 详情
3887502 stop motion responsive to defects in knitted products 专利英汉词典 详情>>
3902020 activate vital energy to stop pain 中医英汉词典 详情>>
3905320 astringe the lung to stop cough 中医英汉词典 详情>>
3908609 calm the adverse-rising energy to stop bleeding 中医英汉词典 详情>>
3908610 calm the adverse-rising energy to stop hiccup 中医英汉词典 详情>>
3908612 calm the liver to stop bleeding 中医英汉词典 详情>>
3908613 calm the liver to stop the wind 中医英汉词典 详情>>
3910797 clear away heat to stop bleeding 中医英汉词典 详情>>
3910798 clear away heat to stop diarrhea 中医英汉词典 详情>>
3910799 clear away heat to stop vomiting 中医英汉词典 详情>>
3915599 dispel the fluid-retention to stop vomiting 中医英汉词典 详情>>
3917572 eliminate dampness to stop diarrhea 中医英汉词典 详情>>
3917618 eliminate to stop diarrhea 中医英汉词典 详情>>
3917624 eliminate wetness evil to stop diarrhea 中医英汉词典 详情>>
3919352 expel cold to stop vomiting 中医英汉词典 详情>>
3919423 expel xold to stop vomiting 中医英汉词典 详情>>
3935645 nourish the blood to stop wind 中医英汉词典 详情>>
3941084 promote blood circulation to stop pain 中医英汉词典 详情>>
3943734 remove dampness to stop leukorrhagia 中医英汉词典 详情>>
3943743 remove heat from the blood to stop bleeding 中医英汉词典 详情>>
3957646 warm and invigorate to stop bleeding 中医英汉词典 详情>>
3957647 warm and invigorate to stop the bleeding 中医英汉词典 详情>>
3957700 warm the middle warmer to stop vomiting 中医英汉词典 详情>>
3957705 warm the middle-warmer to stop diarrhea 中医英汉词典 详情>>
3957706 warm the middle-warmer to stop vomiting 中医英汉词典 详情>>
4699507 order to stop business for rectification 法学英汉词典 详情>>
4699508 order to stop irregularities 法学英汉词典 详情>>
4699509 order to stop production 法学英汉词典 详情>>
4705392 privilege to stop for nontraffic purposes 法学英汉词典 详情>>
4970140 came to a stop 环境英汉词典 详情>>
4973602 come to a stop 环境英汉词典 详情>>
4973637 comes to a stop 环境英汉词典 详情>>
5016332 stop to 环境英汉词典 详情>>
5566750 came to a stop 经贸英汉词典 详情>>
5571162 come to a stop 经贸英汉词典 详情>>
5571205 comes to a stop 经贸英汉词典 详情>>
5649041 stop to 经贸英汉词典 详情>>
5677664 came to a stop 能源英汉词典 详情>>
5681424 come to a stop 能源英汉词典 详情>>
5681464 comes to a stop 能源英汉词典 详情>>
5734438 stop to 能源英汉词典 详情>>
5768142 bring to a stop 航海英汉词典 详情>>
5768172 bring to stop 航海英汉词典 详情>>
5768765 brought to a stop 航海英汉词典 详情>>
5770825 came to a stop 航海英汉词典 详情>>
5770836 came to full stop 航海英汉词典 详情>>
5776725 come to a dead stop 航海英汉词典 详情>>
5776728 come to a full stop 航海英汉词典 详情>>
5776739 come to a stop 航海英汉词典 详情>>
5776765 come to full stop 航海英汉词典 详情>>